Praise from education inspectors for Porlock's St Dubricius School and Nursery

Porlock's Church of England first school and nursery, St Dubricius, has been praised by education inspectors
St Dubricious is part of the Moorland Federation, which also includes schools in Exford, Cutcombe, Dunster, and Timberscombe, and takes youngsters aged from three to nine years.
Lead Ofsted inspector Kelly Olive said St Dubricius was a ‘happy and inclusive school’ where pupils were cared for well and relationships with adults were ‘warm and nurturing’.
Ms Olive said pupils were kept safe, they behaved well, and bullying was rare, and an ethos of celebrating success ran across all aspects of school life.
“Pupils talk confidently about the Christian values of the school".
“Links with the neighbouring church are strong. For example, many pupils attend a ‘Jesus and Me’ after school club".
“Children in nursery visit residents in a local care home. These activities help pupils to learn more about their place in the world and how to be kind, respectful citizens.”
School leaders were ambitious for pupils and passionate about encouraging them to read, and all children - including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) - learned the full breadth of curriculum subjects.
Governors provided effective support and challenge to leaders and an environment had been created in which all staff felt valued.
Ms Olive said the inspectors carried out ‘deep dives’ in early reading, mathematics, and art, and considered online responses from parents.
While most parents and carers were positive about the education provided by St Dubricius, a minority felt communication about their child’s progress or changes in the school was not frequent or detailed enough.
Ms Olive said also leaders had not fully aligned the early years curriculum with that of the wider school to link to what children needed to know to be ready for year one.
She said to continue to improve, leaders should develop stronger channels of communication with parents and subject leaders needed to gain a more detailed understanding of the curriculum in the early years foundation stage.
Moorland federation executive head teacher Naomi Philp said she was ‘incredibly pleased’ with the Ofsted inspection and ‘immensely proud’ of the children and staff of St Dubricius school and nursery.
Ms Philp said the federation worked strategically to support and develop each other, so everybody was celebratory and proud of the achievements of the team.
She said “The federation operate as a family of schools so everyone is thrilled that this report captures so well one of our wonderful schools.
“Our new head of school, Jo Smith, has taken the helm from Easter and inherits both this successful Ofsted report and a positive SIAMs inspection outcome on which to build an exciting future for St Dubricius school.
“Jo joins us from Devon after a rigorous recruitment process and brings with her fresh perspective, rich experience leading and a creative and exciting vision for the school.”