Committed to an inclusive, sustainable, and mentally healthy learning environment that prioritises student well-being.

Our Commitments

At the heart of the Moorland Federation are our core values and commitments, which guide our approach to education and shape the culture within our schools

D&I, Christian and British Values

At the Moorland Federation, we wholeheartedly believe that our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and the promotion of Christian and British values is an integral part of our educational approach

Giving and Charity

We strive to instill these values in our students and staff, and one way we do this is by nurturing a culture of giving and charity.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Our commitment to providing a supportive environment ensures that everyone in our school community can thrive and reach their full potential.


We believe that a healthy and balanced diet is essential for maintaining focus, energy, and a positive mood, all of which contribute to a successful learning experience.

People, Planet and Purpose

Striving for excellence in all aspects of our work by creating a positive and sustainable impact on the world around us.

Physical Education

We believe that engaging in physical activities not only improves physical health but also boosts mental well-being, fosters teamwork, and builds self-confidence. That's why we're committed to providing a comprehensive and exciting PE program that caters to every child's needs and interests.

Special Educational Needs and Disability

We are dedicated to providing exceptional support for our students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). We believe in empowering every child to achieve their full potential, regardless of any additional challenges they may face.


We're committed to sustainability and environmental stewardship, which is why we've put together a range of exciting programmes and initiatives that help protect our environment and inspire the next generation of eco-conscious citizens.


We are committed to providing a wide range of cutting-edge tools and resources to enhance learning experiences and prepare our students for success in the digital age.

Become part of an exceptional team dedicated to providing high-quality education

By joining the Moorland Federation, you are not only becoming part of our team of professionals in either the teaching or administrative and operational departments, but you are also contributing to our collective pursuit of excellence in education. Let your career soar with us as we continue to strengthen our brand and make a lasting impact on the lives of our students and the communities we serve.

All the latest news from the Moorland Federation. Growing Together

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