School Vision, Values & Ethos at St Dubricius School

Our vision at St Dubricius is to provide children and adults alike, with opportunities to fulfil their potential in a safe and loving environment, with Christian values at its core

Our Vision: Be the best we can be in the knowledge & love of God.

Our vision at St Dubricius is to provide children and adults alike, with opportunities to fulfil their potential in a safe and loving environment, with Christian values at its core

The Moorland Federation proudly sets forth a vision and values rooted in the spirit of growing together and learning for life. Our federation of schools, including St. Dubricius, harbours an ethos which finds its foundation in Christian values while encouraging continuous growth and a lifelong love for learning.

Our Vision: Growing Together, Learning for Life

At St Dubricius, our vision expands beyond mere academic success. We strive to provide opportunities for both children and adults to fulfill their potential in a safe, loving environment with Christian values at its core. Our goal is to empower each member of our community to 'be the best we can be in the knowledge and love of God'.

Our Values: The Pillars of Our Community

Our values serve as guiding principles in our pursuit of cultivating independent, inquisitive learners. Through our interest-led, experiences-driven curriculum, we foster curiosity, compassion, perseverance, and collaboration. These values underpin our relationships with our children, families, the church, and the broader community.

Compassion and Love

Compassion and love are fundamental to our ethos. We seek to nurture these qualities in our students, teaching them to empathise with others and respect different perspectives. By experiencing compassion and love firsthand, our students learn the importance of these virtues in building a harmonious community.


Perseverance is crucial for personal growth and development. We instil in our students the ability to make wise choices, believe and trust in themselves, and maintain a positive outlook. Inculcating these attributes allows our students to navigate life's challenges confidently, instilling in them a belief and trust in God.


A sense of belonging is essential for an individual's emotional well-being. We work diligently to foster a fellowship of community within our schools, instilling in our students the feeling of being part of a larger whole, which is the Moorland Federation.

Our Ethos: Christian Values at Its Core

In all that we do at the Moorland Federation, we demonstrate to our students the integral role of Christian values. Our federation mission encourages our students to express gratitude for the blessings in their lives, to be peacemakers, and to cherish peaceful moments. Our students learn the value of community, solidarity, and the essence of 'belonging.'

At the Moorland Federation, our vision, values, and ethos come together to create an enriched environment where everyone is encouraged to 'be the best they can be.' Our community continues to grow and learn together, instilling in our students the confidence and ability to succeed in their future education and beyond.

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