Generation Exmoor: An Adventure in Outdoor Learning
Generation Exmoor is our flagship outdoor learning project, which we have developed in close collaboration with Exford C of E First School, Cutcombe C of E First School and the Exmoor National Park Authority.

Learning about environmental sustainability and conservation whilst promoting responsible stewardship of the planet
Generation Exmoor is our flagship outdoor learning project, which we have developed in close collaboration with Exford C of E First School, Cutcombe C of E First School and the Exmoor National Park Authority.
Welcome to Generation Exmoor
Generation Exmoor is not just a project; it's an adventure in learning like no other. It's our flagship outdoor learning initiative, meticulously crafted in close collaboration with Exford C of E First School, Cutcombe C of E First School, and the Exmoor National Park Authority. This exciting venture takes learning out of the conventional classroom and immerses children in the beauty and wonder of our National Park, every fortnight.
An Outdoor Classroom
Our spectacular outdoor classroom is the breathtaking Exmoor National Park, a place of natural beauty that becomes a second home for our KS2 students. Here, we help children connect with nature, whilst seamlessly integrating elements of the curriculum into practical, engaging, and memorable learning experiences.
Learning Beyond Boundaries
In Generation Exmoor, learning goes beyond boundaries. We've created a progressive programme, carefully designed to ensure that each outdoor session builds on what the children have learnt previously. This approach amplifies their engagement and solidifies their understanding, helping them know more, remember more, and do more.
A Comprehensive Curriculum
A typical day at Generation Exmoor encompasses much more than just outdoor adventure. Children delve into multiple subjects — history, geography, science, Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education, and Physical Education (PE) — and, of course, core subjects like English and maths. Our holistic approach provides a well-rounded, diverse, and enriched learning experience that fuels their intellectual curiosity.
Benefits of Generation Exmoor
Fostering Love for Nature
Spending a day fortnightly in the beautiful Exmoor National Park allows children to develop a deep appreciation for nature and the environment.
Encourages Teamwork and Collaboration
Outdoor learning inherently requires working in teams and groups, fostering teamwork and collaboration among students.
Hands-On Learning
Children get to learn and understand concepts in a practical and hands-on way, which enhances retention and understanding.
Builds Resilience and Confidence
Facing and overcoming outdoor challenges can significantly boost children's resilience, problem-solving skills, and confidence.
Enhances Physical Health
Spending time outdoors and engaging in physical activities contributes to the overall physical health and wellbeing of the children.
Embrace this educational journey with us, and watch as your child not only grows academically but also develops a profound love and respect for the environment. After all, Generation Exmoor is where the classroom meets the great outdoors!
Why Generation Exmoor?
Exford C of E First School and Cutcombe C of E First School, with approximately 30 pupils from Reception to Year 4, are nestled in the heart of the Exmoor National Park, a stunning part of the Moorland Federation. This Federation comprises five first schools, including Dunster, St Dubricius, and Timberscombe. We also proudly host the Little Berries pre-school, welcoming children from the tender age of two.
Despite the beauty of our surroundings, our community faces the challenges of rural deprivation, including issues of transport, connectivity, isolation, and access to services. But in the face of these challenges, we shine our light bright and provide a nurturing and stimulating learning environment for our students.
Our Partnership with Exmoor National Park
The Exmoor National Park Authority is committed to conserving and enhancing the park's natural beauty, wildlife, and cultural heritage, and promoting public understanding and enjoyment of its special qualities. The Generation Exmoor project perfectly aligns with these purposes, establishing a long-term collaboration with our schools, supported by the Learning and Engagement and Ranger teams. Through this project, we hope to cultivate a rich understanding of the joys and challenges of living, working, and growing in Exmoor.
Our Intent: A Vision for the Future
We offer a broad and balanced curriculum, providing an array of experiences and opportunities. Mapped across a two-year rolling programme, our curriculum aims to enrich children's lives and allow them to make informed decisions about their future - whether they choose to stay in Exmoor or venture beyond.
Regardless of where their path may lead, we instill in all our students a sense of responsibility to preserve and conserve their local area, benefitting not just their generation, but those to follow. We aim to guide our students into becoming conscientious, responsible citizens of the future.
Exploring Exmoor: Bridging the Gap
Exmoor National Park's diverse landscape—moorland, woodland, farmland, valleys, and coastal areas—offers endless learning opportunities. Yet, due to various factors, some children may not fully realize what lies just beyond their doorstep. Some of our students come from families who spend much of their lives outdoors, earning their living from the land. Generation Exmoor aims to make Exmoor accessible to all children, providing opportunities to learn outdoors and develop transferable skills that enhance their classroom learning.
Health, Happiness, and the Great Outdoors
Generation Exmoor goes beyond academics. The walking, outdoor, and physical activities integral to this project promote an active and healthy lifestyle among our students.
Implementation: Turning Intent into Action
We have meticulously designed Generation Exmoor to ensure that the coverage of the National Curriculum is effectively integrated within our two-year rolling programme. We have also made certain to include regular outdoor learning sessions, as supported by numerous research findings.
Furthermore, our schools boast Level 3 qualified Forest School practitioners who deliver high-quality Forest School sessions for Reception and Key Stage 1 children within both school grounds. Generation Exmoor builds on the knowledge and skills these children gain during Forest School.
Generation Exmoor seamlessly intertwines with aspects of school life including:
- Christian ethos, vision, and values of the school
- Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education
- Physical Education (PE)
- Science
- Geography
- History
Our Generation Exmoor project aligns with, and is driven by, the Moorland Federation’s curriculum principles and the individual ethos, vision, and values of each school.
Activities, experiences, and knowledge gained through Generation Exmoor will continually
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Generation Exmoor is our premier outdoor learning initiative, developed in partnership with Exford C of E First School, Cutcombe C of E First School and the Exmoor National Park Authority. The program brings our KS2 students into the heart of Exmoor National Park to learn and explore in a natural setting.
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